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Book Review

The Absinthe Forger

by Eileen Gonzalez

Evan Rail follows the trail of a clever and creative fraudster in "The Absinthe Forger", an engrossing true crime story. The word “absinthe” alone is enough to conjure images of tortured artists, fin de siècle decadence, and... Read More

2023 HONORABLE Mention for Literary

Book Review

Mothers of the Mind

by Meg Nola

Rachel Trethewey’s "Mothers of the Mind" is a studied, reflective analysis of the relationships between three literary icons and their mothers. Virginia Woolf’s mother, Julia, is presented as a woman of remarkable beauty who rejected... Read More

Book Review

Otter Country

by Kristen Rabe

In her beautiful, mesmerizing memoir "Otter Country", Miriam Darlington traces her year-long exploration of rivers, estuaries, and marshlands in Great Britain in search of the provocative, secretive otter. An entrancing storyteller,... Read More

Book Review

Bone Pendant Girls

by Allison Janicki

Paranormal horror and true crime elements blend together in Terry S. Friedman’s haunting novel "Bone Pendant Girls". Andi has been clairvoyant since her childhood; she is used to being followed by spirits. But when a force urges her to... Read More

Book Review


by Meg Nola

In Lauren E. Rico’s emotive novel "Familia", two distant sisters receive life-changing results from a genetic DNA test. Gabby is an aspiring writer who lives in Brooklyn and works for the feature magazine Flux, where she and other... Read More

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