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Book Review

The Seven Stones

by Emily Gaines

Introducing a multitude of people, storylines, and questions for a beginning series, "The Seven Stones" is a rich fantasy novel. The first book in a series, A. Mussbacher’s fantasy novel "The Seven Stones" introduces assassination... Read More

2023 Finalist for Thriller & Suspense

Book Review

Fairy Tales 101

by Karen Rigby

A nuanced look at fairy tales, including their structures, histories, and interpretations, "Fairy Tales 101" is a sound introduction to the field. "Fairy Tales 101", Jeana Jorgensen’s welcoming literary compendium, illuminates fairy... Read More

Book Review

The Insignificant Girl

by Aleena Ortiz

"The Insignificant Girl" is a thriller led by a diplomatic woman who seeks freedom from social deceits and sexual oppression. In Tom Fitzgerald’s action-oriented thriller "The Insignificant Girl", a slighted woman rises against... Read More

Book Review


by Michele Sharpe

In David Musgrave’s fascinating novel "Lambda", a woman is enmeshed in conflicts between surveillance police, a synthetic person, and genetically human Lambdas. “A lambda function is a small anonymous function”: this computer... Read More

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