A dynamic duo face a series of evolving challenges while working undercover to avert alien attacks in the heartwarming science fiction novel "The Zygan Emprise". In Y. S. Pascal’s futuristic science fiction novel "The Zygan Emprise", a... Read More
The life and work of a movie star and fashion icon are recounted in Michele Botton’s graphic biography "Audrey Hepburn". Hepburn was known for her films and sense of style, but the book reveals that there was much more to her.... Read More
Taking an individualized approach to proffering financial advice, the wealth management guide Values Over Valuables argues that “money matters immensely; it’s just that you matter more.” Wealth manager Harmon Kong’s financial... Read More
Dianna E. Anderson’s "Body Phobia" is a convincing personal and philosophical exposé of how a culture that fears bodily differences harms vulnerable people. Anderson, who is nonbinary, trans, and queer, grew up in an evangelical... Read More
The author makes the introductions in this tongue-in-cheek, wild ride of a picture book about remarkable children—some of them fantastical, others closer to reality than you think. Each child receives a detailed spread with multiple... Read More
A sharp and curious doctor in training is just the right tour guide through the labyrinthine murder mystery novel "Malignant Assumptions". Carrie Rubin’s series mystery novel "Malignant Assumptions" is an entertaining whodunit with an... Read More
"Community Capital" is a knowledgeable text that focuses on institutional financial challenges within marginalized communities. Clifford N. Rosenthal and Michael McCray’s "Community Capital" is a microhistory of race relations viewed... Read More
"Erased" is the fascinating graphic biography of Maximus Wyld, a multiracial actor from the early days of Hollywood whose name was later removed from film credits and forgotten. Maximus Ohanzee Wildhorse, known as Maximus Wyld, was an... Read More