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588 results for price: 35.00

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Book Review

Modern Creole

by Rachel Jagareski

Eric Cook shows off the bold flavors and spirit of multicultural New Orleans and his Gris-Gris and Saint John restaurants in the vibrant cookbook "Modern Creole". Cook grew up crabbing, hunting, and fishing in south Louisiana, developing... Read More

Book Review

Mushroom Gastronomy

by Rachel Jagareski

Fungi are the resplendent stars of Krista Towns’s cookbook "Mushroom Gastronomy", a treatise on an alluring variety of edible and medicinal mushrooms. Alongside beguiling food photographs and unusual recipes, the book includes... Read More

Book Review

A Cold War Exodus

by Jeff Fleischer

During the final decades of the Soviet Union, the country’s Jewish population was stuck in an impossible situation, unable to practice their religion and also forbidden to leave. Shaul Kelner’s "A Cold War Exodus" shows how a... Read More

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