Trade Show Catalog
The Sublime Transformation Of Vera Wright
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Trade Show Catalog
Foreword INDIE
Foreword INDIE
Foreword INDIE
Book Review
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, many books have attempted to explain exactly what went wrong. There has also been a steady stream of guides on pre- and post-crisis investment and general finance issues. Peirce Stern’s Reins...
Book Review
True tourism is more than souvenir shops and heavily branded bus tours. Bahne’s book blends travel guide and historical record to help visitors and residents alike create a deep appreciation for Boston’s past and present. The...
Book Review
by Pamela Grath
Gene Logsdon is a man with a mission: He wants to encourage Americans to maintain small, home woodlots, heat with wood, and return to what he calls a wood culture and a wood economy. "A Sanctuary of Trees", Logsdon’s latest book,...
Book Review
“Rain” opens John Kinsella’s new collection about rural and small town life in Western Australia’s arid wheatbelt. As the book’s opening story, it’s perhaps a common prayer or even a tease in contrast to the perennial drought...
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