Trade Show Catalog
The Methuselah Strain
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Book Review
Every character has something to say in Shackleton’s search for meaning in the universe. Kenneth Finkelstein’s debut novel, "Searching for Shackleton", is a dialogue-saturated exploration of selfish preoccupations that devolves into...
Book Review
Science and politics blend in this sci-fi thriller, clearly and eloquently describing intriguing theories of DNA and mortality. A quest for immortality lies at the heart of "The Methuselah Strain" by J. P. Helak. Power, politics, love,...
Book Review
by Karen Rigby
This tale of youth confronting adult greed, combined with comic book villains and a Bond-like atmosphere, is a promising beginning to the Stormglass series. Mutant bees. An international organization of elite spies. Capaciously...
Book Review
by Anna Call
Davidescu’s writing is rife with wordplay and playful references that turn a potentially dry text into a fun read. "The Lost Romans" uses archaeological, linguistic, and historical sources to explore the origins of the Romanian people...
Book Review
“The women hikers stood on the narrow path, their weary backs resting against the cool rock face of the cliff. They caught their breath and allowed the revelation of their ultimate purpose to sink in: they were on nothing less than a...
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