Foreword INDIE
2017 SILVER Winner for Social Sciences
2017 GOLD Winner for Literary
Foreword INDIE
Show Her a Flower, a Bird, a Shadow
Book Review
For those thirsty for a new path toward real peace for the world, "Perspective" represents one man’s hopeful viewpoint. Perspective: The Golden Rule by David Meakes is a personal and historical look at that most elusive idea: world...
Trade Show Catalog
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy
Book Review
The Forever Letter
by Sarah White
In Jewish tradition, ethical wills are letters that impart important principles and teachings. Elana Zaiman expands on that concept, turning ethical wills into a means of sharing what is important with anyone in a person’s life, in...
Book Review
The Communist and the Communist’s Daughter
This is the story of a family and its struggle between old and new homelands, between idealism and reality. Bill Lazarre was an immigrant from what’s now Moldova, an organizer for the Communist Party in the United States, a soldier who...
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