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10 results for published: 2018-05-29

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2018 Finalist for Humor

Book Review

Primordial Beast

by Nancy Powell

"Primordial Beast" touches upon Cherokee myths in a thought-provoking way. Peter Chicuorka’s slow-building thriller "Primordial Beast" is set in a national forest where a mysterious predator is brutally killing park visitors. A young... Read More

Book Review

Don't Believe It

by Joseph S. Pete

Don’t Believe It is a highly topical thriller, a work of pitched intrigue that follows a documentary filmmaker and crusading journalist, Sidney Ryan, who has exonerated several inmates convicted of murder. Sidney agrees to take up the... Read More

Book Review

Clean Time

by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

Ben Gwin’s complex debut novel is based around a fictional reality television sensation, "Clean Time", that has catapulted various interested parties—from pharmaceutical corporations to rehab centers—to unimaginable wealth. For a... Read More

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