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8 results for published: 2023-06-01

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2023 SILVER Winner for Political and Social Sciences

2023 Finalist for Thriller & Suspense

2023 Finalist for LGBTQ+

2023 GOLD Winner for Multicultural

Trade Show Catalog

Changing Tide

Rights Contact
Robert Joncas <bobjoncas@aol.com>
Book Awards
American Fiiction Award, American Writing Award, Literarry Titan Award, Maincrest Media Award, Outstanding Creator Award, Royal Dragonfly Award, The BookFest Awards, and The Global Book Award
Rights Sold (Countries)

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Book Review

You Don't Belong Here

by Luke Sutherland

Avalanches of anxiety and poor decisions bury two reunited men in the compelling novel You Don’t Belong Here. In Jonathan Harper’s novel You Don’t Belong Here, a bisexual writer stumbles because of the ideological troubles of a... Read More

Book Review

Orchid Child

by Karen Rigby

In the psychological novel "Orchid Child", family history and neuroscience combine to reveal an Irish American family’s unusual abilities. In Victoria Costello’s beguiling literary thriller "Orchid Child", a schizoaffective teenager... Read More

Book Review

The Boy in the Rain

by Erin Nesbit

Set in Edwardian England, Stephanie Cowell’s novel "The Boy in the Rain" concerns the passionate romance between a painter and a divorced writer. After a traumatic exchange with his uncle, nineteen-year-old Robbie, who is failing in... Read More

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