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12 results for published: 2024-06-25

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Book Review

An American Tragedy

by Grace Rogers

The public’s adamant adherence to their snap decisions impedes the justice process in the harrowing novel "An American Tragedy", about a teacher accused of sexual abuse. A preschool scandal leads to a clash between outrage and justice... Read More

Book Review

The Eyes Are the Best Part

by Luke Sutherland

Monika Kim’s bold, brutal novel "The Eyes Are the Best Part" sears with feminine rage and unflinching body horror. Ji-won is not the perfect first-generation American daughter. She is friendless, average in academics, and lacks the... Read More

Book Review

Night Blooming Jasmine

by Danielle Ballantyne

The rhyming lines and twilight-toned watercolors of this perfect bedtime story about the magic of nighttime will lull any child to sleep. When the climbing jasmine vine outside her window calls to her, Jasmine rises from her sleep and... Read More

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