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12 results for publisher: gatekeeper press

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Book Review

Dialogues with the Wise Woman

by Aleena Ortiz

An insightful therapist is a vehicle for provocative ethical and psychological conversations in the allegorical novel "Dialogues with the Wise Woman". In Richard Todd Devens’s spiritual novel "Dialogues with the Wise Woman", a gambling... Read More

Book Review

Miracle Warrior

by Jeremiah Rood

Moving from privilege to perseverance, "Miracle Warrior" is an inspiring memoir about growing past challenges to find deeper meaning. Gigi Cramer’s testimonial memoir "Miracle Warrior" is about rising above challenges and moving... Read More

Book Review

A Lady in Havana

by Karen Rigby

"A Lady in Havana" is self-referential, winking, and thoroughly situated in the Cuban culture of yesteryear. Ashley Morgan’s entertaining novel of passion and persuasion, "A Lady in Havana", puts a Floridian housewife in the eye of a... Read More

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