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5 results for publisher: paradise cay publication

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Book Review

As Long as It's Fun

by Karl Helicher

The adventures of the Pardeys are populated by colorful friends and some shady characters, all of whom have made their seafaring lives that much more exciting. Lin and Larry Pardey have spent much of their lives sailing around the world... Read More

Book Review

Bull Canyon

by Pete Croatto

In 1980, after eleven years of sailing around the world, Lin Pardey and her boatbuilder husband, Larry, needed time-out from the life aquatic. The couple settled in Bull Canyon, California, a rural locale that featured open spaces and... Read More

Book Review

It's Your Boat Too

“There’s no denying,” writes the author, “that there are jobs aboard a boat that are traditionally ‘pink jobs’ and those that are ‘blue jobs.’” This book sets that tradition aside and encourages, even demands, that... Read More

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