Based on Elizabeth Engelman’s family history and experiences growing up as the daughter of a Santeria priestess, the short story collection "The Way of the Saints" charts Puerto Rico’s history of colonization, revolution, migration,... Read More
Distinguished Favorite of Independent Press Award for Women's Fiction, Foreword INDIE Prize Winner in General Fiction, Foreword Star, Kirkus Star, Minnesota Book Award Finalist, and Nilsen Prize Winner
Distinguished Favorite of Independent Press Award for Women's Fiction, Foreword INDIE Prize Winner in General Fiction, Foreword Star, Kirkus Star, Minnesota Book Award Finalist, and Nilsen Prize Winner
Maureen Aitken’s "The Patron Saint of Lost Girls" pretends to be a collection of short stories but is not. Instead, advantages of both short-story and novel formats are fused into a mutation which is neither. By the time this... Read More
Gritty, raw, liberated, and twisted into lines of beauty, Emma Bolden’s melancholic realizations mostly relate to her body and her hysterectomy. With multiple collections and an assortment of works in publication, it is no surprise... Read More
Woefully unfair. Dedicated to a deceased father, this collection is so powerful and precious, it’s heartbreaking to realize how meaningful it would have been for the old man, if he had the chance to read it. Oh, James Crews, your dad... Read More