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8 results for publisher: stephen f austin state university press

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2022 Finalist for Short Stories

2016 Finalist for Sports

2016 Finalist for Literary

2013 Finalist for Essays

2013 BRONZE Winner for Literary

Book Review

Edge of the Wind

by Robin Farrell Edmunds

This is a pleasing and intriguing character-driven novel in which poetry is presented as a possible means of salvation. James E. Cherry’s "Edge of the Wind" is an intriguing look at human relationships as they play out in times of... Read More

Book Review

Don't Forget Me, Bro

by Rebecca Foster

The weighty themes of mental illness and abuse are skillfully balanced with a road trip plot line and observations on America’s homogenization. In YA writer John Michael Cummings’s first adult novel, Don’t Forget Me, Bro, a... Read More

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