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12 results for #youngadult

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Who Are You?

by Catherine Reed Thureson

As Alice is famously asked while traipsing through Wonderland; Who are you? As she makes her way through everything that Wonderland throws at her, the question becomes more important, and the answer more obscure. In young adult books, the... Read More


Start at the Beginning

by Catherine Reed Thureson

There is so much future ahead for young adults. So much life ahead, with infinite possibilities. These books represent that in the best way; that these protagonists are at the beginning of their stories with a whole expansive world ahead... Read More


Youthful Exploration Found in YA

by Catherine Thureson

Young adulthood is an exploration. So it makes sense that YA books are often about discovery and adventure, to mirror their audience. From self reflection to quests, these six YA books, reviewed in our September/October 2017 issue show... Read More


Not Your Average Teenage Experience

by Stephanie Bucklin

Just before you hit adulthood, you have to go through one huge task; survive in the apocalypse, fight paranormal creatures, or deal with high school mean girls. It just depends on your genre. Wait, not everyone goes through that? Whoops.... Read More

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