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144 results for publisher: oxford

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Book Review

Quantum Drama

by Eileen Gonzalez

Jim Baggott and John L. Heilbron explore the combative history of quantum mechanics in their science book "Quantum Drama". Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr are among the most famous men in physics, yet they employed very different... Read More

Book Review

Second-Class Saints

by Isaac Randel

Matthew L. Harris’s exposé of one religion’s role in US race relations, "Second-Class Saints" covers an ill-understood episode in Mormon history. The book charts the history of Mormonism’s infamous “priesthood ban,” a... Read More

Book Review

Jerusalem through the Ages

by Jeff Fleischer

For those wondering why another book on Jerusalem is needed, Jodi Magness’s "Jerusalem through the Ages" provides an eloquent answer based in archaeology, from the biblical era through the crusades of the twelfth century. The book... Read More

Book Review


by Isaac Randel

Philosopher Philip Goff’s new book "Why?" makes a succinct, ambitious case for a new, secular view of cosmic purpose. "Why?" opens with an ancient question: “What’s the point of living?” It then considers the vacuity of most... Read More

Book Review

Secret Worlds

by Kristen Rabe

Martin Stevens’s "Secret Worlds" is a brilliant book on animal perception—the astonishing sensory adaptations that birds, insects, and other creatures evolved for their survival. Humans share five senses with animals; animals have... Read More

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