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Book Review

Water Bodies

by Chloe Clark

"Water Bodies", edited by reporter Laura Paskus, is a mixed-genre anthology that serves as a paean to bodies of water. “In this climate-changed world,” the introduction intones, “we live in an ever-tightening present.” It’s a... Read More

Book Review

The Soul We Share

by Matt Sutherland

Wherever souls reside, all the rules of time and space, language and thought succumb to an older way of being—and that is where Ricky Ray hangs out with Addie, his old brown dog. An ecomystic animist, Ray’s work explores their... Read More

Book Review

Poetic Beauty

by Michele Sharpe

The prose-poetic pieces collected in "Poetic Beauty" struggle with love, honor, and eternal questions about the nature of reality and time. The poems and micronarratives of John Thomas Qua’s literary collection "Poetic Beauty" are... Read More

2022 SILVER Winner for Short Stories

2022 SILVER Winner for Body, Mind & Spirit

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