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Book Review

Malignant Assumptions

by David Bushman

A sharp and curious doctor in training is just the right tour guide through the labyrinthine murder mystery novel "Malignant Assumptions". Carrie Rubin’s series mystery novel "Malignant Assumptions" is an entertaining whodunit with an... Read More

Book Review

Blueberry and Jam

by Aimee Jodoin

In the charming picture book "Blueberry and Jam", animal friends make amazing discoveries across the state and as close as in their own backyards. In Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino’s edifying picture book "Blueberry and Jam", cat and mouse... Read More

Book Review

She Took a Turn

by Carolina Ciucci

About shedding blinders to see the world in more realistic terms, "She Took a Turn" is an enlightening memoir. Kristi J. Smith’s charming memoir "She Took a Turn" is about her work toward self-discovery. Smith’s life was mapped out... Read More

Book Review

The Overexamined Life of Jacob Hart

by Mari Carlson

Harmony and clarity are found as four men pursue happiness in tandem in the endearing novel "The Overexamined Life of Jacob Hart". In Jerry Wald’s soulful novel "The Overexamined Life of Jacob Hart", the longtime friendships between... Read More

Book Review

Letters to Evelyn

by Julia Dillman

The memoir-cum-novel "Letters to Evelyn" mixes personal anecdotes into its imaginative universe of love, aliens, and space travel. Combining memoir and fantasy elements, John Selman’s book "Letters to Evelyn" recounts the past... Read More

Book Review

The Gospel of Fury

by Sarah Frideswide

"The Gospel of Fury" presents itself as an angelic dispatch for a troubled world. Ignatius Benjamin Fury’s religious treatise "The Gospel of Fury" purports to be the work of an angel sent from heaven with a message for Earth. Made up... Read More

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