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Trade Show Catalog

A Tree for Me

Rights Contact
Tasha-Nicole Terani <tnicole750@yahoo.com>
Book Awards
American Book Fest International Book Award, Book Excellence Award, Creative Child Book of the Year Award, Golden Wizard Book Prize, Mom's Choice Award, Next Generation Indie Book Award, Paris Book Festival Award, and Sparks Play Enrichment Award
Rights Sold (Countries)

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Trade Show Catalog

Immortality Bytes

Rights Contact
Daniel Abrams <danabrams999@yahoo.com>
Book Awards
5-Star Review from ReaderViews.com, 5-Star Review from ReadersFavorite.com, American Fiction Awards "Best Sci-Fi:Cyberpunk" & finalist in Humor/Satire+Visionary+Thriller:Techno, Chanticleer's Cygnus Award for Science Fiction: Semifinalist, and Storytrade "Best Humor/Satire"
Rights Sold (Countries)
International negotiable and US

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Trade Show Catalog


Rights Contact
Stephen C. Pollock <exitspoetry@gmail.com>
Book Awards
Gold 2023 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award and Silver 2024 Feathered Quill Book Award
Rights Sold (Countries)

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