Search through titles, authors, reviews, and more by simply entering any search terms. For example, to find everything on our site mentioning cats, search for cats. To exclude results mentioning dogs, search for cats -dogs. To find everything mentioning cats or dogs, search for cats | dogs.
Search terms can be grouped using parentheses which is particularly useful when using the or operator: |. For example, to find everything mentioning New York or Chicago, search for (new york) | chicago.
Searches can also be narrowed to only search specific fields. For example, to find everything on our site mentioning cats in the title, search for title:cats. Similar to text searches, to exclude results mentioning dogs in the title, search for title:cats -dogs. To exclude results mentioning dogs anywhere, search for -dogs title:cats. To find everything mentioning dogs anywhere or cats in the title, search for dogs | title:cats.
Searches can be filtered and sorted by attributes. While each result can have multiple values for each field, they only have one value for each attribute. This makes it possible to do ranged searches and sort by attribute value.
For example, to find all books with 150 pages, search for pages:150. While this is useful, it is often more helpful to be able to search for a range of values. To find all books that have between 150 and 200 pages, search for pages:150..200. (Note the .. between 150 and 200.) This is a ranged search.
Ranged searches can also be performed with dates. For example, to find everything posted in 2014, you could search for posted:2014-01-01..2014-12-31. However, the same results can be achieved by searching for posted:2014. This can be expanded to find all content posted in 2014 or 2015 with posted:2014..2015.
To sort the results by a particular attribute, instead of only by relevance, simply add sort:, followed by - for descending order or + for ascending order (default), and ending with the attribute name. For example, to sort results by posted date in descending order (newest first), search for sort:-posted. Alternatively, to sort results by posted date in ascending order (oldest first), search for sort:+posted.
All of these searches can be combined to narrow the results down considerably. Just remember to put general text searches at the beginning of the query. That is, title:cats dogs is not the same as dogs title:cats.
For example, to find all fiction books published since 2010 that are under $10.00, simply search for genre:fiction published:2010.. price:..10.
Or, to find every children's book that was a gold or silver winner, sorted by newest awards first, simply search for category:childrens rank:gold|silver sort:-year.
To find the most recently published gold winners under $25, silver winners under $20, and bronze winners under $15, simply search for (rank:gold price:..25) | (rank:silver price:..20) | (rank:bronze price:..15) sort:-published.