Spanning a century and three continents, Even in Darkness tells the story of Kläre Kohler, whose early years as a beloved daughter of a prosperous German-Jewish family hardly anticipate the harrowing life she faces as an adult- a saga of family, lovers, two world wars, a concentration camp, and sacrifice. Based on a true story, Even in Darkness highlights Klare’s reinvention as she faces the destruction of life as she knew it, and traces her path to survival, wisdom, and unexpected love.
- Rights Contact
Barbara Stark-Nemon
- Award(s)
INDIEFAB Book Award Finalist-Literary fiction and Historical fiction, Independent Publishers (IPPY) Gold Medal for European Fiction, International Book Award Finalist-Historical Fiction, Sarton Women's Literary Award- Historical Fiction, and Sophie Brody Medal nominee
- Rights Sold (Countries)
- Book Website
- Contributor(s)
- Barbara Stark-Nemon
- Publisher
She Writes Press
- ISBN-13
- 978-1-63152-956-6
- Publication Date
Apr 7, 2015
- Pages
- Price
- Tags
Our Review
“Love and devotion [bloom] as redemption for pain and suffering,” writes Barbara Stark-Nemon at the conclusion of her emotionally challenging and meticulously researched new novel. The story centers on Klare, a resourceful, intelligent woman with a real-life counterpart in the author’s...
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