If You Were Me and Lived on...Mars

Join Carole P. Roman when she blasts off to colonize the planet Mars, in the newest book of her informative series. Learn about how life would be living on the Red Planet. Travel to Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system. Look into the sky and watch Phobos and Deimos, Mars' two moons. Discover what you would wear, and how the seasons change. See Mars through the eyes of an adventurous youngster like you and understand what life is like in a trip of a lifetime.

Rights Contact
Sylvia Hayse <hayses@caat.com>
2017 International Book Awards Finalist - Children's Picture Book, 2017 Reader's Favorite 5 Stars Award, 2017 Reader's Favorite Gold Medal Children's Educational, Back to Homeschool Resource Award Winner, Five Star Foreword Clarion Review, Moonbeam Awards Bronze Medal- Best Children's' Non-fiction series 2017, and NABE Pinnacle Award Best Children's Book Adventure
Book Website
Carole P. Roman
Publication Date
Jan 7, 2017
Our Review (5 out of 5 stars)
If You Were Me and Lived on….Mars is an enchanting imagined journey to the Red Planet. Carole P. Roman has written many colorful, fun, and educational books for children, including her popular If You Were Me…and Lived in series for grade-schoolers that explores life around the globe and... Read More