Paul Bunyan

"I need me a will,” Paul Bunyan calls Johnny Inkslinger from his warm niche in camp to the frigid forest where the iconic logger lives and labors. "But a will ain't just a will, Johnny. It's a testament, too." And so it begins, a narrative mating fact and fable in a yarn that spans a gilded age and World War 1, following Paul, his ox, and his spartan crew from the Canadian highlands to the Pacific northwest. A legend will grow in that interim-- and so will Paul.

Darryl Wimberley
Wisehouse Imprint: L'Aleph
Publication Date
Dec 15, 2015
Our Review (5 out of 5 stars)
Paul Bunyan is reimagined as a man, not a myth, whose personality is giant but whose challenges are all too human. Myth and plausible reality merge seamlessly in "Paul Bunyan", Darryl Wimberly’s fictional account of Bunyan as a mortal man who became the subject of legend. The tale begins with... Read More